═══ 1. Preface ═══ FMOS2 is the product of the efforts of a number of many individuals. The most important contributors, as a group, are the many users of FILEMAN who have contributed bug reports and suggestions, primarily through FILEMAN FORUM on IBMPC. The individuals specifically responsible for the design, implementation, and many refinements of the program since its inception in 1984 include:  Davis Foulger, who conceived FILEMAN, designed both the original and current user interfaces and function sets, gave it its name (a contraction of FILE MANagement utility), wrote its early documentation (much of which survives intact) and managed its implementation through three major versions over a period of two years. The program was conceived as a way to substantially reduce the amount of effort involved in reorganizing a hard disk, but has proved widely influential both on similar programs and on user interface design in IBM. The FILEMAN and STP user interfaces strongly influenced CUA, OS/2 Presentation Manager, and the DOS 4.0 shell. FILEMAN and STP internal calling interfaces provided a model for elements of the OS/2 Presentation Manager API.  Clark Maurer, who participated in the original design, implemented the original code, and refined the program repeatedly over the course of its first year. The functions included in FMOS2 are not much different than they were at the end of this original design and implementation process. A command language, included in these versions but absent in subsequent versions, is a precursor of the E editor language.  Denis LaCroix, whose implementation of attribute support in the SHOW program is ported directly into the next major version of FILEMAN. His implementation of STP integrates FILEMAN and SHOW into a complete fixed disk management system and serves as a model for a complete overhaul of FILEMAN's user interface.  Ted Diment, whose implementation of BURT simplified and fully automated the FILEMAN backup process. BURT both reduced the requirement for some of the repetitive disk change logic and provided a model (with code) for elements of subsequent FILEMAN implementations.  Richard Redpath, who ported FILEMAN from PASCAL to C while adding a variety of features from STP, SHOW, and BURT (which Richard also worked on). Working with John Alvord, Richard made hundreds of improvements to FILEMAN during this period. He added the FILEMAN thermometer, the current style of the FILEMAN profile, and foreign language support. Richard also implemented a limited function RT/AIX version of FILEMAN which includes built-in STP function. He also incorporated a subset of FILEMAN into the BURT3363 product, where it provided version support and interactive list construction.  Gennaro Cuomo, who ported FILEMAN to OS/2 1.x.  Carl Morrell, who, in addition to making hundreds of improvements to FILEMAN in response to bug reports and suggestions, has worked to reduce code size and increase code efficiency. Carl converged the DOS and OS/2 versions of FILEMAN, providing the same function in both environments. Major improvements in the workings of FILEMAN include a wide range of profile options, the safe mark function (which helps prevent accidental erasures using FMOS2), the Copy Update option, subdirectory display and traversal, and programmable function keys. ═══ 2. FMOS2 Introduction ═══ FMOS2 is an easy-to-use PC file management program that should allow you to quickly organize and recognize the files on your IBM PC compatible personal computer. If you are new to PC's, you will quickly discover that FMOS2 is easy to use. As you get to know FMOS2 better, however, you will unleash the power to get more things done efficiently. In all, FMOS2 is for the professional and novice user. The key, when pressed from any menu or message window, will quit the operation. FMOS2 is an OS/2 2.0+ only product. ═══ 3. FMOS2 Features ═══ Here is a quick summary of the file management operations that can be performed from the FMOS2 application program. ATTRIBUTE Change the attributes of a file or directory. Set or clear the attributes of a file/directory (e.g.hidden, readonly, system, and archive). Set the dates of a group of files or a directory to one date and time simply with a pulldown menu. COMMAND Perform commands on a group of files from the FMOS2 list display. COPY Copy multiple files from anywhere to anywhere without typing out a complete copy command. Several variants are available from a pulldown menu. EDIT Inform FMOS2 of your favorite editor and you can edit a file from the FMOS2 display with a push of a button. ERASE Delete any group of files or directory tree with a keystroke. A special secure erase option is available to allow you to erase confidential files permanently and destructively so future reference to them is impossible. EXECUTE Run the marked executable files, or CMD files. FAST SCROLL Opens an editing window for 'fast scrolling' to a file in the list. INFO Opens a window containing all the date, time, size, and attribute information about the currently bannered (highlighted) file. LISTS Write a file list to a file or printer or read a list of files into FMOS2 for work to be done. Change to or add new directories to the currently displayed list of files. Create a new directory. Determine approximate space required by marked files if copied to floppy disks. MARK Use a pulldown to select the files you want to perform an operation on. When a file is selected it is referred to as having been marked. A variety of powerful marking options are available. Directory marking is not available via MARK, only via the SPACE BAR. MOVE A smart move command that really works. A pulldown menu gives you the option of forcing the replacement of the file if it exists on the targeted area. RENAME Allows you to quickly rename a group of files and/or a directory in an efficient manner. SHELL Go back to the OS/2 command line and perform additional work then reenter the FMOS2 program where you left off last. SHOWHIDE Selectively show or hide specific files or directories based on file attributes (e.g. Hidden, System, Read Only, or Directory). SORT The list of files/directories displayed by the FMOS2 program can be sorted in a wide variety of ways, by name, by extension, by path, by size, by date and time, etc. In addition, you can combine these sort fields for combination sorting (e.g. by name and by size). SUBCOPY Copy multiple files and their directories. The Subcopy option provides a pulldown menu which allows you to restrict the copy process. In addition, a backup option is available that will ask for diskettes when they fill. /PROFILE /USERPROF The FMOS2 program can be profiled very simply for color and keys for execution. Profiles are used for programming functions keys and setting run time options. The /PROFILE option overwrites FMOS2.EXE with the new profile information. Additionally, there is dynamic profiling - an 'on the fly' profiling method that does not require modifying FMOS2.EXE. The /USERPROF option overrides all other profile methods, this is useful for temporary situations. Profiles are used for programming functions keys and setting run time options. Profiles need only contain the items you wish to change, the supplied profiles include all items. See Customizing FMOS2 for details. ═══ 4. What You Need for FMOS2 ═══ To use the FMOS2 application program you need:  IBM PC compatible computer.  OS/2 version 2.0 or later  Any monitor display in 80 column mode (Color or Monochrome) ═══ 5. Starting FMOS2 ═══ The FMOS2 program comes ready to run. The program can be started from The command line in many different ways. Examples are shown below: FMOS2 ? FMOS2 FMOS2 /d FMOS2 /t FMOS2 *.doc FMOS2 *.doc *.txt FMOS2 *.doc *.txt /t FMOS2 *.doc.txt FMOS2 cde:*.txt.doc FMOS2 C:\Util\*.doc A:\*.txt FMOS2 *.c /d FMOS2 c:\util FMOS2 c:\ FMOS2 \ FMOS2 @list FMOS2 a: FMOS2 *.doc /d *.txt /t FMOS2 @list1 *.txt /d *.scr /t @list2 /sdd FMOS2 /t /sfa ═══ 5.1. FM.CMD command file ═══ Included with FMOS2 is a command file (FM.CMD) which is a sample of how to run FMOS2 with a temporary profile (one that is rarely used) perhaps for a recovery diskette. You could also create multiple command files of different names to run FMOS2 with multiple profiles to allow for various needs that may arise. @echo off REM use 'setlocal' and 'endlocal' pair to temporarily change REM fm_pro environment variable setlocal REM edit following for location of FMOS2 profile set fm_pro=A:\FMRECOVR.PRO REM edit follow for location of FMOS2 A:\FMOS2 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 endlocal ═══ 5.2. Command line switches ═══ The /d switch limits FMOS2 to look in only one directory for the files. The /t switch allows FMOS2 to look for all files below the current directory. Hence, if FMOS2 were given the following specification the program will locate all files of report.txt on your disk and load them into the program for user operations. This is a clever way for someone to find files when the exact directory is not known. FMOS2 report.txt /t To assure that FMOS2 starts the search from the root directory, two examples have been given. FMOS2 \report.txt /t FMOS2 C:\report.txt /t FMOS2 can read a list of files, rather than look at the disk directory. The list could have been created by a previous invocation of FMOS2, or created by any text editor. Prefixing the '@' character to the filename signals FMOS2 to use the file name as a list. You can specify more than one list, and can also have other file specifiers on the command line. Sorts may be applied when FMOS2 is invoked. FMOS2 can sort on several different fields. The sort switch may specify more than one field to sort. There can only be one sort switch applied at the command line. Each sort field can be sorted by ascending or descending sequence. /SFA Sort by Filename Ascending. /SFD Sort by Filename Descending. /SEA Sort by Extension Ascending. /SED Sort by Extension Descending. /SPA Sort by Path Ascending. /SPD Sort by Path Descending. /SSA Sort by Size Ascending. /SSD Sort by Size Descending. /SDA Sort by Date Ascending (LastWrite date). /SDD Sort by Date Descending (LastWrite date). /SCA Sort by Creation Date Ascending (HPFS only). /SCD Sort by Creation Date Descending (HPFS only). /SLA Sort by LastRead Date Ascending (HPFS only). /SLD Sort by LastRead Date Descending (HPFS only). /SAA Sort by Archive Ascending. /SAD Sort by Archive Descending. /SUA Unsort, display files in directory order. /SUD Unsort, display files in reverse directory order. The following will form a sort by date descending, then name ascending. This is useful when searching for multiple copies of the same file and determining which one is most recent. FMOS2 C:\ /sddfa /t FMOS2 can be invoked with subtree switches for each file specifier listed. For example to look at all the files in the root directory, and look all over the disk for all the .doc files. FMOS2 \*.* /d *.doc /t If there is only one /d /t switch, it will be in effect for all the file specifiers, no matter where it appears on the line. The following will all get the same list. FMOS2 /d *.doc *.txt FMOS2 *.doc /d *.txt FMOS2 *.doc *.txt /d If there are multiple subtree switches, and multiple file specifiers, the first subtree switch will apply to all file specifiers processed left to right, until another subtree switch is encountered. For example, to search only the root of c:, and all subtrees of a: and b:, the following are equivalent: FMOS2 /t a: b: /d c: FMOS2 a: b: /t /d c: FMOS2 a: /t b: /d c: FMOS2 c: /d /t a: b: FMOS2 /d c: /t a: b: FMOS2 can apply sorts to an invocation mixed with list specifiers and file specifiers. To invoke FMOS2 with the files in fm.lst, get all the files on the d: drive, and sort by date: FMOS2 @fm.lst d: /sdd FMOS2 /sdd d: @fm.lst FMOS2 supports compound forms of file specifiers. Compound forms allow specifying several drive, paths, filenames and extensions for expansion into several file specifiers. The following invocations are equivalent and specify searching c: d: and e: drives for the file help.doc FMOS2 c:\help.doc d:\help.doc e:\help.doc /t FMOS2 cde:\help.doc /t Specifying compound file extensions, is also of great utility. For example, you can load FMOS2 with the source programs you are working with, more easily. The following invocations are equivalent. FMOS2 *.c *.h *.asm f:*.c f:*.h f:*.asm FMOS2 cf:*.c.h.asm ═══ 6. Using FMOS2 ═══ FMOS2 is designed to explain itself. Thus, we recommend that you learn FMOS2 by starting it. The easiest way to start FMOS2 is to simply type FMOS2 \ at the OS/2 command line and press enter. When you start FMOS2, it will take a few seconds for the program to search your disk and create its list of files. Once the list is created, the FMOS2 screen will be displayed, and you can start to use the program. If you wish to skip the reading and go it on your own to learn the program, please refer to FMOS2 Reference Guide for answers. Sample Main Screen ╔══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ Copy Erase Move Attribute Rename Subcopy Quit ║ ║ Copy marked files to a specified drive and/or path. ║ ╚══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝ Filename Fullpath Size Date (W) Time Attr DWSCRIPT.BLE C:\MYDOC\ 5062 4-01-86 10:34a ---- DWSCRIPT.MEM C:\MYDOC\ 3850 4-01-86 10:35a ---- DWSCRIPT.ROU C:\MYDOC\ 1453 12-01-84 1:21p ---- LETTRXMP.SCR C:\MYDOC\ 877 3-17-85 5:48p ---- FOULGER .PRO C:\MYDOC\ 7005 8-07-86 7:48a A--- WB .POS G:\Doc Dir\ 773 5-22-86 12:10a A--- WORKBNCH.AVA C:\MYDOC\ 939 5-22-86 12:10a A--- WB1 .POS G:\Doc Dir\ 1550 5-22-86 12:10a A--- WB2 .POS G:\Doc Dir\ 1531 5-27-86 10:37a A--- WorkBench Do G:\Doc Dir\ 149806 5-23-86 5:01p A--- WB3 .POS G:\Doc Dir\ 1012 5-27-86 10:37a A--- IBMPCBEN.TOP C:\MYDOC\ 2781 5-28-86 3:16p A--- SURVEY .DO C:\MYDOC\ 1835 5-27-86 12:10a A--- IBMPCSUR.SCR C:\MYDOC\ 16269 5-28-86 1:42p A--- BURTHOW2.SCR C:\MYDOC\ 34458 6-03-86 2:26p A--- DISS1 .MEM C:\MYDOC\ 5348 6-10-86 12:04a A--- Line=1 Files=51 Size=948,427 M=0 *Toggle C:Space=2,484,224 F1= Help 2= FV2 3= Quit 4= Mark 5= Lists 6= Sort F7= Command 8= Execute 9= X Editor 10= Start 11= ShowHide 12= The FMOS2 screen is divided in four parts.  operations menu.  list of files.  status line.  functions menu. The top portion of the screen displays the "operations menu". The operations menu can be configured to any one of several appearances. By default, a double line is drawn around the menu to set it apart from the rest of the screen. See Window Menu Style for information about how you can configure FMOS2 to use the menu style of your choice. Six file management functions can be selected from this menu. One of these options, the "pending operation", is highlighted. The center of the screen is used to display the list of the files. This list is designed around six fields, each of which provides a different kind of information about the files listed. A header indicates the information displayed. Hence the first field shows the filename and extension (if it exists), the second field the path, the third field the size of the file (or allocated space - Control-S to toggle), the fourth and fifth fields the date and time at which the file was created or last updated (HPFS drives also allow for LastRead and Creation dates and times - Control-D to toggle), and the last field displays any file attributes that are associated with the file. One file in the list, called the "bannered file", is highlighted. Actions can be executed on the bannered file, including editing the file, selecting the file for repetitive operations, and other actions you can define, without typing in the filename. The highlighted "file banner" can be moved from one file to another, scrolled, and paged. The style in which this banner moves is configurable. See Center Scroll Style for information on how you can configure the scrolling behavior of FMOS2 to fit your needs. If the "bannered file"s path information is wider than the display area, it can be scrolled 17 characters via the Ctrl-Left Arrow and Ctrl-Right Arrow keys. If the "bannered file"s filename information is wider than the display area it can be scrolled 7 characters via the Ctrl-Up Arrow and Ctrl-Down Arrow keys. The status line contains the following information about files.  What line the banner is on.  Total number of files in list.  Total size, in bytes, for the entire file list or the marked files.  How many files are marked.  What mode of power marking is used. And whether powermarking is active.  Available space on the current drive. The bottom of the screen show the function keys. Forty-eight function keys are programmable, and with the press of function key, FMOS2 can execute single operations, like executing the bannered file, or shelling to OS/2, or processing a OS/2 command against the marked files. Multiple commands, including any normal FMOS2 operation (copy, lists, mark, sort), can be programmed into a function key. The Function keys, can be assigned any 8 character string for display on the main screen. When Ctrl, Alt, or Shift is pressed, the current set of Function keys will be displayed at the bottom. See Programming the Function Keys for details. The operations can be selected using the left and right arrow keys to highlight the desired option, and the enter key to select it. All of the operations menu functions are supplemented by pull down menus that offer several variants on the basic operation. The initially highlighted option will generally be the default, but other functions can be selected using the up and down keys (to highlight the desired option) and the enter key (to select it). Menu options can also be selected by the capitalized letter of their name (always the first character in FMOS2). Hence the 'C' (which is capitalized) in the Copy menu option can be typed in to select the Copy option, and the 'N' in Normal can be used to select the default operation of Copy in the pull down Copy menu. All menu operations assume a set of marked files. You will be prompted to mark those files in the course of the normal interaction sequence. When selected, operations are performed for all of the files that have been marked. When a menu is being displayed, you may select the menu for the adjacent function, with the use of the left or right arrow key. For example, a right arrow, when displaying the copy pulldown, will move to the erase pulldown. Note: Only the "Erase, Attribute, and Rename" operations are valid on directories. ═══ 6.1. Action keys ═══ Three of these keys (Up, Down, and Space bar) allow you to select a group of files you would like to operate on. Three of the keys (right, left, and enter) allow you to select operations from the Operations menu. Up, down, and enter are also frequently used to make selections in pop up and pull down menus. Control Down Arrow Moves the filename information right in the filename display portion of the screen. Control Left Arrow Moves the path information left in the path display portion of the screen. Control Page Down Moves the highlighted (bannered) line to the bottom of the visible display portion of the screen. This does nothings if 'CenterScroll' is set to yes. Control Page Up Moves the highlighted (bannered) line to the top of the visible display portion of the screen. This does nothings if 'CenterScroll' is set to yes. Control Right Arrow Moves the path information right in the path display portion of the screen. Control Up Arrow Moves the filename information left in the filename display portion of the screen. Down Arrow If no pull down or pop up menu is displayed, the down key moves the file banner down to the next file. If a pull down or pop up menu is displayed, the down key moves the pending operation cursor down to the next available operation. If the 'Info' window is displayed, the banner line is moved down and the 'Info' window is updated with data for the currently bannered file. Enter The enter key can perform several different functions. 1. Enter signals the completion of a given stage in the action sequence. If an information request panel is displayed, enter indicates that you have completed the panel. 2. If you are selecting files, enter indicates that you have finished selecting files for the pending operation. 3. If 'EnterScroll no' is set in the profile, the enter key selects the menus bannered pending operation (e.g. Copy, Rename, etc.). 4. If 'EnterScroll yes' is set in the profile, the enter key will scroll the bannered line down through the file list. 5. If 'EnterScroll function' is set in the profile, the enter key will display the files in the directory of the bannered line. Or, if the bannered line is a file, the 'EnterCommand' function will be executed against that file. Left Arrow Moves the pending operation banner left to the previous operation on the operations menu (also shift TAB key). Also performs a destructive cursor left in information request panels. Right Arrow Moves the pending operation banner right to the next operation on the operations menu (also TAB key). Shift Tab Moves the pending operation banner left to the previous operation on the operations menu (also Left Arrow key). Slash Displays the 'FastScroll' window for finding files quickly. Space bar Marks and unmarks individual files or directories. If the bannered file is not marked, pressing the space bar marks (selects) the bannered file to be operated on. If the bannered file is already marked, space bar unmarks the bannered file so it will not be operated on. Tab Moves the pending operation banner right to the next operation on the operations menu (also Right Arrow key). If the 'FastScroll' window is displayed, the current filename search is repeated. Up Arrow If no pull down or pop up menu is displayed, the up key moves the file banner up to the next file. If a pull down or pop up menu is displayed, the up key moves the pending operation cursor up to the next available operation. If the 'Info' window is displayed, the banner line is moved up and the 'Info' window is updated with data for the currently bannered file. Many other keys may be useful in selecting operations and files. The Home, End, PgUp, and PgDn keys can be used to scroll through the listed files more quickly. Shift-Up and Shift-Down can be used to rapidly mark and unmark groups of files. Menu items can be rapidly selected by pressing the capitalized letter in the desired operation. Function keys provide a variety of special functions. The Alt-keys in the range Alt-A through Alt-Z can be configured to issue the commands of your choice (see Programming the Alt keys for details). When a shift key is depressed, or CapsLock mode is active and powermark caps is set in the profile, the current powermark mode will be highlighted in the status line. ═══ 6.2. Information Request Panels ═══ FMOS2 will occasionally need to ask you to perform a specific action or provide specific information. When this happens, an information request panel will appear at the top of the screen (replacing the menus). This panel will specifically request the information required, and provide additional information about input format and available options where appropriate. To continue the interaction sequence, simply fill in the requested information and press the enter key. A buffer of previously used commands can be accessed with the UP/DOWN arrow keys. The following keys are useful in editing information. BACKSPACE Deletes character left of cursor. CTRL-END Erases from cursor to end of line. CTRL-PGDN Removes command from retrieve buffer. DELETE Deletes character at cursor. DOWN ARROW Retrieves next command. END Moves cursor to end of input line. HOME Moves cursor to first column of input. UP ARROW Retrieves previous command. ═══ 7. Customizing FMOS2 ═══ FMOS2 is delivered with a high degree of configurability. It is possible to reshape the user interface of FMOS2 to suit your tastes. Many of the characteristics of FMOS2 can be changed to suit your desires, including the default editor, the commands that are built into the system, the look of the menus, the mark character, and the screen colors. Changes are made to FMOS2 by writing (or more likely editing) a profile, and installing the profile into the program. Profiles need only contain the items you wish to change, the supplied profiles include all items. FMOS2 can be customized either permanently, at runtime, or temporarily. Permanent customization modifies FMOS2.EXE to preserve the changes. Runtime and temporary customization only modifies the copy of FMOS2 that is running in memory. ═══ 7.1. Permanent profiling ═══ Permanent customization for OS/2 requires a temporary copy of the FMOS2 program to apply the profile to. A command file FMPRO.CMD is provided to facilitate this. The following example shows the command used to install a profile named FMOS2.PRO into FMOS2: FMPRO FMOS2.PRO ═══ 7.2. Runtime profiling ═══ You may profile FMOS2 when it's loaded (run) with an environment variable or a default profile (e.g. FMDFLT.PRO in the same directory as FMOS2.EXE). These methods do not modify FMOS2.EXE. ═══ 7.2.1. Profile w/Environment Variable ═══ Profiling via environment variables requires a SET FM_PRO line like below in the CONFIG.SYS file or in CMD file from which FMOS2 is run. For example: SET FM_PRO=D:\DIR1\DIR2\MYPROF.PRO For those that would rather not modify their CONFIG.SYS file, the same thing can be accomplished with a CMD file as shown: SET FM_PRO=D:\DIRA\DIRB\TEMPRO.PRO FMOS2 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 You may, for example, call the CMD file FM2.CMD. You can then invoke FMOS2 via FM2 and pass any other input switches and/or file specifiers you wish. ═══ 7.2.2. Profile w/FMDFLT.PRO ═══ To profile via the default profile method, create/rename a profile as FMDFLT.PRO and place this profile in the same directory as FMOS2.EXE. If there no 'environment variable' set, FMOS2 will look for FMDFLT.PRO in the directory in which FMOS2.EXE exists. ═══ 7.3. Temporary profiling ═══ You may, at times, wish to run FMOS2 with different options while not modifying it's normal profile options. To do this use the /USERPROF=d:\path\file.ext option, for example: FMOS2 /USERPROF=F:\my tools directory\fmtemp.pro ═══ 7.4. Customization options ═══ There are a variety of options available for customizing FMOS2. Each can be tailored to suit your personal preferences. ═══ 7.4.1. AlphaScan (Scan for files/directories) ═══ With this options set to 'yes', pressing a character moves the bannered line to the next file/directory which begins with that character. The default is: AlphaScan no Note: This feature when enabled can interfere with character presses starting menu functions. The arrow keys and Enter (Control-Enter if you have 'EnterScroll function' in your profile) will still allow you to perform these operations in this situation. ═══ 7.4.2. CenterScroll (Scrolling Style) ═══ FMOS2 supports two different ways of scrolling files on the screen. The first of these "scroll styles", called Center Scrolling, freezes the banner in the middle of the screen, allowing you to see files before they become "bannered". A second scrolling style, which is similar to the line scrolling used in most editors, is also available. CenterScroll is not the shipped default, but can be installed by including the following line in the profile: CenterScroll Yes To specify the editor style scrolling behavior, in which the banner freezes at the bottom of the screen when scrolling down through the files, and freezes at the top of the screen when scrolling up through the files, include the following instead: CenterScroll No Note: With CenterScroll set to 'yes' the Control Page Up/Down key functions are disabled. ═══ 7.4.3. ChangeCurDir (Change Current Directory) ═══ FMOS2 supports two different methods for "current directory" handling. The "current directory" is that directory which FMOS2 appears to be running from (for example an 'F7' followed by a '/odir' command will display the contents of the "current directory"). The first of these methods will change the "current directory" to be the one in the filelist of FMOS2. If there are more than one directories displayed, the first one in the command to FMOS2 will be the "current directory". The second method will not change the "current directory", it will always be the directory from which FMOS2 was started. ChangeCurDir is the shipped default, it's profile line is : ChangeCurDir Yes To specify that the "current directory" remain at the starting directory include the following line: ChangeCurDir No ═══ 7.4.4. CntlCoast (Coasting Control) ═══ When using the cursor keys (e.g. up arrow, down arrow, etc.) FMOS2 can proceed faster than the display can redraw. This can cause a COASTING problem where the display keeps updating after you have stopped pressing a key. To prevent this FMOS2 by default controls the coasting by consuming excess keystrokes. CntlCoast is the shipped default, as shown in the following line in the profile: CntlCoast Yes To bypass FMOS2's coasting control set CntlCoast to no as shown: CntlCoast No ═══ 7.4.5. CreateDirs (Create Directories) ═══ FMOS2 will prompt you when a subdirectory needs to be created, for an operation, when this option is set to "Prompt". You can set this to "go", and FMOS2 will bypass the prompt when a directory needs to be created. If FMOS2 prompts you, you may respond with "Y'" to create the directory, and have FMOS2 notify you if any other directories need to be created for the current operation. If you respond with "G" for go, FMOS2 will not prompt you if any more directories need to be created for the current operation. To get a prompt: CreateDirs Prompt To bypass all prompts: CreateDirs Go ═══ 7.4.6. DefaultSort (Default Sorting) ═══ The FMOS2 program can be profiled to sort the files when they are loaded into the list display. This sorting profile is called: DefaultSort The DefaultSort field takes a string of lettered commands for sorting the file. The first letter is the field to sort on followed by another letter which determines what order to sort in (Ascending or Descending). This list of letter commands is similar to what you would have typed using the PF6 key for sorting. An example is given below which sorts the files in the FMOS2 program first by Size-Ascending then by Extension-Ascending: DefaultSort SAEA The result is, the files will be sorted primarily by Extension in ascending and secondarily by Size in Ascending order. Notice the terminology was in reverse. The letters for sorting are shown below for reference: F Fullname N Name E Extension P Path S Size (and Allocated) M Marked A Archive D Date (LastWrite - FAT and HPFS) C Creation Date/Time (HPFS) L LastRead Date/Time (HPFS) U Unsort A Ascending D Descending ═══ 7.4.7. DiskSpace (Disk Space Calculations) ═══ Use this option to remove the disk space calculations in the progress thermometer. This option is ignored when Thermo is set to no. The default is: DiskSpace yes ═══ 7.4.8. DOSMark (DOS Mark Character) ═══ This string is prepended to the OS/2 prompt when the PF10 key is used to enter an OS/2 shell. It is a reminder that you still have an inactive version of FMOS2 in memory. To get back, type "exit" at the OS/2 prompt. The default is: DOSMark Я ═══ 7.4.9. EnterCommand (Enter program) ═══ This string is command that FMOS2 will execute against a file if 'EnterScroll' is set to 'function'. To use FV2 to browse a file, the profile line would be: EnterCommand fv2 ═══ 7.4.10. EnterScroll (Enter/Scrolling) ═══ EnterScroll enables one of three different operational modes. 1. EnterScroll can enable an alternate method of scrolling through the file list. Normally the down arrow key would scroll down through the file list, and the enter key would perform menu functions. This is the default: EnterScroll no 2. Alternately, you can use the enter key to scroll down through the file list. In this scenario, the control-enter key performs the menu functions. This is enabled by setting EnterScroll to yes, as shown below: EnterScroll yes 3. An additional feature of EnterScroll is the ability to perform one of two functions depending on where the 'bannered' file cursor is at the moment. If the 'bannered' file cursor is on a directory, FMOS2 will display the file list of that directory (just like 'Lists newdir'). If the 'bannered' file cursor is on a file, FMOS2 will execute a program against the file. The program executed is determined by the 'EnterCommand somepgmname' line of the profile. This is enabled by setting EnterScroll to function, as show below: EnterScroll function ═══ 7.4.11. EscToQuit (Escape to Quit) ═══ The FMOS2 program by default prompts you if they want to quit the program when escape is pressed. You can modify the default setting through the "EscToQuit" option in the profile. If you want to ignore the escape key the option should be: EscToQuit no If you want to quit FMOS2 when escape is pressed set the option to: EscToQuit yes The default setting is: EscToQuit prompt ═══ 7.4.12. ForceColor (Force Color/Mono Display) ═══ The FMOS2 program by default checks and displays in color or monochrome as appropriate. FMOS2 may not always be correct, or you may want to display in color on a greyscale monitor. You can modify the default setting through the "ForceColor" option in the profile. If you want to force FMOS2 to display in monochrome: ForceColor mono If you want to force FMOS2 to display in color: ForceColor yes The default setting is: ForceColor no ═══ 7.4.13. Format (Format Disk) ═══ Use this option to select the OS/2 operation for a diskette FORMAT. The default is: Format format.com You may override this to with any valid OS/2 command: Format echo Formats not allowed on this machine. Format C:\safe_fmt\FORMAT ═══ 7.4.14. ListCheck (Check Files in List) ═══ Use this option for error handling when reading @lists. If this option is enabled, errors in the @List, will be displayed. Otherwise missing files will be ignored. The default is: ListCheck yes ═══ 7.4.15. Logo (Logo Display) ═══ Use this option to enable or disable the startup logo. The default is: Logo yes ═══ 7.4.16. MarkBefore (Mark Before Selection) ═══ The Mark Before option is used to eliminate the prompt for selecting more files before starting an operation. The default is: MarkBefore no This will always prompt you to mark more files, before starting any operation, such as copy erase, etc. To eliminate the "last chance" to mark files, if you have files marked: MarkBefore yes One way to think of the usage of this option, is "if files are marked before I start an operation, I won't get a chance to mark any more". ═══ 7.4.17. MenuToStay (Menu to Stay Displayed) ═══ The MenuToStay option takes the word 'yes' or 'no' to allow for the staying of the menus when an option has been selected. The default is for the menu to go away (keyword 'no'). To add this option set the following in the profile: MenuToStay yes THE MENUTOSTAY OPTION IS ONLY EFFECTIVE FOR MENUS WHICH PULLDOWN FOR FUNCTION KEYS ONLY. ═══ 7.4.18. NamePercent (% for name field w/wide displays) ═══ When the display width is greater than 80 columns/characters, FMOS2 will use the additional columns to expand the 'name' and 'path' fields in the file information area. The percentage of the additional display columns the 'name' field gets is determined by the 'NamePercent' parameter, with the 'path' field getting the remainder. This value can range from 0 (for 0%) to 9 (for 90%) for the 'name' field. The default is 40% for the 'name' field, and 60% for the 'path' field as shown: NamePerCent 4 If you'd like 20% for the 'name' field and 80% for the 'path' field enter the following in your profile: NamePerCent 2 ═══ 7.4.19. PowerMark (Power Marking) ═══ This option controls the use of the CapsLock key state for powermarking. The default setting is PowerMark standard With the default setting, only the shift keys can be used to powermark with. The alternate value for powermarking is: PowerMark caps This will enable the CapsLock state for powermarking. Powermarking can be turned off, with the shift key. That is, shift keys, or CapsLock, but not both enable the powermark. The current state of powermarking is highlighted in the banner. ═══ 7.4.20. QuickDOS (Quick DOS prompt) ═══ The FMOS2 program by default prompts before entering OS/2 for "shell" type commands, including executing commands with PF7 and PF8 (described later). The default also prompts before return to FMOS2. This option can be overridden, so that you can shell in and out of OS/2 without extra keystrokes: QuickDos yes ═══ 7.4.21. SafeChar (Safe Mark Character) ═══ This character is used to indicate an effectual action has been applied to a marked file. The file is effectively, not marked. The safe mark character may be changed to any value. The default value is SafeChar ё Note: Changing this character to '*' will cause FMOS2 to believe safemarked files are erased. See Mark Character for other values. ═══ 7.4.22. SafeMark (Save Marking) ═══ When an effectual operation has been performed on a group of marked files, by default, the mark will be changed to a "safe mark". Files that have been safe marked are not affected by effectual operations. Effectual actions include COPY, ERASE, Execute, and all other operations, except MARK. Files that are safe marked, can be returned to a regular mark in several fashions. CTRL-M changes all safe marks to regular marks. Power marking can turn a safe mark to a mark, or clear it, depending on the power marking state. The mark window (F4) will affect the safe marks accordingly. This feature may be turned off. The default is: SafeMark yes ═══ 7.4.23. ScrollBeep (Scroll Beeping) ═══ When a user scrolls up beyond the list or scrolls down below the list that is shown, a beep will sound. You can turn this beep off by setting ScrollBeep to NO, the default is yes. ScrollBeep yes ═══ 7.4.24. SetMark (Set Mark Character) ═══ Marking files is one of the key operations of FMOS2, and the character used to mark files will be key to the process of recognizing which files are marked and which are not. The mark character in FMOS2 can be varied in the profile using the SetMark keyword as follows: SetMark > As implemented in this example, SetMark forces the mark character to the "greater than" sign. You can set the mark to be any character you like, however, including any of the following: # A sharp character to mark files sharply. ! Exclamation point. Not a bad indication for marking files. + The plus sign, when used as a mark, makes a good reminder that repeated command execution begins with the plus sign. √ Square Root Symbol. Provides a great approximation of a check mark.  Bold right arrow. Very bold and easy to see. п Double right arrow.  or  Smiling faces. Perhaps they are named Mark :-)  A diamond. Bold yet discrete. °, ∙, and · Small Round Circles. Increasingly discrete.  Musical Marking.  A bold star.  A bold underline character. Still discrete. ▀ A square button, and an excellent mark character. █ and ▄ Emphatic blobs. ═══ 7.4.25. ShadowBoxes (Shadow Box Display) ═══ This option controls the type of characters displayed in the corners of windows. This option is selected to display shadow boxes. You may switch to the regular box characters by turning this option off. The main menu, if set with 'Window A or C', does not accept shadow boxes, the submenus will always accept shadow boxes. ═══ 7.4.26. ShowDirs (Show Directories) ═══ This option comes enabled. FMOS2 shows directory entries. ShowDirs yes You may disable this feature for limited subdirectory support. ShowDirs no When this option is enabled, directory entries will displayed in the list of files. Subdirectory entries will be labeled as either or . You may add files to the list from these directories, with the AddDir command. You may switch FMOS2 to this list with the NewDir command. The AddDir and NewDir commands are located under the Lists Function key, and have been programmed to F7-Shift and F6-Shift respectively. If you have this option enabled, and subtrees enabled, subdirectories will be displayed twice, once as a child and once as a parent. The only directory not displayed twice will be the top level directory (e.g. the root dir if using /t on an entire drive). ═══ 7.4.27. ShowHidden (Show Hidden Files) ═══ This option comes enabled. FMOS2 shows hidden file entries. ShowHidden yes You may disable this feature to prevent listing hidden files. ShowHidden no ═══ 7.4.28. ShowReadonly (Show Read Only Files) ═══ This option comes enabled. FMOS2 shows read only file entries. ShowReadonly yes You may disable this feature to prevent listing read only files. ShowReadonly no ═══ 7.4.29. ShowSystem (Show System Files) ═══ This option comes enabled. FMOS2 shows system file entries. ShowSystem yes You may disable this feature to prevent listing system files. ShowSystem no ═══ 7.4.30. SlashChar (Slash Character) ═══ For FMOS2 to place a slash character / in a command output to OS/2 you must either use two slashes (e.g. //) or use the programmable SlashChar. This option allows you to designate a character to use for the slash character. The default is: SlashChar ^ Note: Do not use the slash character (e.g. /) for the SlashChar. It will not work. ═══ 7.4.31. SortMenuStay (Sort Menu to Stay Displayed) ═══ The SortMenuStay option takes the word 'yes' or 'no' to allow for the staying of the sort menu when an option has been selected. The default is for the sort menu to go away (keyword 'no'). To add this option set the following in the profile: SortMenuStay yes Note: The MENUTOSTAY option, if set to yes, will also keep the sort menu displayed. ═══ 7.4.32. SortRetain (Retain user Sorting) ═══ The SortRetain option takes the word 'yes' or 'no' to allow for the default sorting to either be what was last defined via the 'Sort' menu, or what is defined in your profile via the 'DefaultSort' option. When you change directories, this determines how the new file list will be sorted. The default is for the sorting to revert to the 'DefaultSort' value (keyword 'no'). To use the last defined sort set the following in the profile: SortRetain yes ═══ 7.4.33. Startup (Startup Default Search Behavior) ═══ FMOS2 was designed to be a hard disk file management system that allows you to look at all of the files on your hard disk at the same time. Hence its ship default behavior (which is also available as a /t command line option) is to attempt to list all of the files it can find that meet the command line specification, starting at the current directory and including all subordinate directories. This search of the subdirectory tree can locate large numbers of files, and FMOS2 can currently list as many files as you have memory for. FMOS2 is often used, however, as a directory front end from which commands can be executed against multiple files. When used in this mode, it is often convenient to limit the search to a single directory. This limits the number of files in the list, increasing the efficiency with which you can browse the list and decreasing the amount of time it takes to display the list initially. One invokes this behavior from the command line of the ship version of FMOS2 with the /d option. The default file searching behavior of FMOS2 can be changed to a single directory search (/d command line option) by inserting the following line in the FMOS2 profile. Startup d The profile comes configured for the subdirectory tree search, as follows: Startup t ═══ 7.4.34. Thermo (Thermometer Display) ═══ This option when set to yes (the default) displays a thermometer of the progress of the current operation. Thermo yes To disable this thermometer display set it to no as shown below: Thermo no The thermometer is displayed for the Copy, Subcopy, Move, Erase, and Sort operations. ═══ 7.4.35. UpperDisp (Upper Case Display) ═══ This option comes disabled. FMOS2 normally displays filenames and directories in mixed case (e.g. upper and lower case letters). UpperDisp no You may desire all filenames and directories to be displayed in upper case letters only, as follows: UpperDisp yes Alternately, you may desire all filenames and directories to be displayed in lower case letters only, as follows: UpperDisp lower This option is only relevant for HPFS formatted partitions. ═══ 7.4.36. Window (Window Menu Style) ═══ FMOS2 comes ready to display its main menu in any one of 3 menu styles. The ship default is to display a double line box around the menu. Two other menu styles are available, however. The "A" menu style uses only two lines at the top of the screen. The "C" menu style uses two bold reverse video lines surrounding the menu line. Menu styles can be varied using the Window keyword in the FMOS2 profile, as is seen in the example below: Window b The 'ShadowBoxes' customization option only works on the main menu with window set to b. ═══ 7.4.37. Colors ═══ Each of the various fields used in FMOS2 has a color setting, including both foreground and background colors, associated with it. These colors can be changed via the FMOS2 profile. The colors that can be selected include:  Black  Blue  Green  Cyan  Red  Magenta  Brown  LightGrey  DarkGrey  LightBlue  LightGreen  LightCyan  LightRed  LightMagenta  Yellow  White ═══ File Information Window Colors ═══ The file information window has one unique color associated with it: xFileInfo describes the text color used in this window (The prefix letter 'x' in xFileInfo represents the prefix fmono and fcolor to allow for reference to both words). xWindA describes the color associated with the border of the window. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Topic Field Background Foreground │ │ ----------- ---------- ---------- │ │ fColorFileInfo lightgrey black │ │ fColorWindA black yellow │ │ fMonoFileInfo lightgrey black │ │ fMonoWindA black lightgrey │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Keywords used in setting file information window colors in FMOS2 ═══ File List Colors ═══ The list of files also has a set of colors associated with it, as is seen in the following figure. xHeader describes the header above the list of files (The prefix letter 'x' in xHeader represents the prefix fmono and fcolor to allow for reference to both words). xDefault describes the color associated with a file listing. xBanner describes the reverse video highlight used in selecting and marking files. xMarkFiles describes the color of the mark character. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Topic Field Background Foreground │ │ ----------- ---------- ---------- │ │ fColorHeader black magenta │ │ fColorDefault black lightblue │ │ fColorBanner brown black │ │ fColorMarkFiles black green │ │ fMonoHeader black grey │ │ fMonoDefault black lightgrey │ │ fMonoBanner white black │ │ fMonoMarkFiles black white │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Keywords used in setting file list colors in FMOS2 ═══ Function Key Colors ═══ Colors can also be assigned in the Function Key area. Function key entries have their colors selected by the xPFkeys keyword. The bar immediately above the function keys is colored by the xFooting keyword. Powermarking highlight, in the status, is controlled by xPower. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Topic Field Background Foreground │ │ ----------- ---------- ---------- │ │ fMonoFooting white black │ │ fColorFooting lightgrey black │ │ fColorPFkeys black yellow │ │ fMonoPFkeys black white │ │ fMonoPower black white │ │ fColorPower red white │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Keywords used in setting function key area colors in FMOS2 ═══ Information Request Panel Colors ═══ FMOS2 will occasionally need to provide information or obtain keyboard input. When it does, it pops up a window whose colors are defined by the following keywords: ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Topic Field Background Foreground │ │ ----------- ---------- ---------- │ │ fColorInput brown black │ │ fMonoInput black white │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Keywords used in setting message window colors in FMOS2 ═══ Menu Colors ═══ The following figure shows the keywords used to set the menu colors in FMOS2. A total of fourteen menu keywords can be varied. Seven describe monochrome screen attributes, another seven describe color screen attributes, eight describe the behavior of horizontal menus, and six describe vertical (pop up and pull down menus). ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Topic Field Background Foreground │ │ ----------- ---------- ---------- │ │ fColorWindA black yellow │ │ fColorButtonCurrent black lightcyan │ │ fColorButtonActive green black │ │ fColorMenubars black green │ │ fColorMenu black magenta │ │ fColorMenuButton black lightblue │ │ fColorMenuActive green black │ │ fMonoWindA black lightgrey │ │ fMonoButtonCurrent black lightgrey │ │ fMonoButtonActive white black │ │ fMonoMenubars black lightgrey │ │ fMonoMenu black white │ │ fMonoMenuButton black white │ │ fMonoMenuActive white black │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Keywords used in setting menu colors in FMOS2 These words include: fColorWindA & fMonoWindA Describes the border around the horizontal menu as used in menu style b. fColorButtonCurrent & fMonoButtonCurrent Describes the colors/attributes used for horizontal menu items. fColorButtonActive & fMonoButtonActive Describes the colors/attributes used for the bannered horizontal menu item. fColorMenubars & fMonoMenubars Describes the colors/attributes used for the second line help message in horizontal menus. fColorMenu & fMonoMenu Describes the border around vertical menus. fColorMenuButton & fMonoMenuButton Describes the colors/attributes used for vertical menu items. fColorMenuActive & fMonoMenuActive Describes the colors/attributes used for bannered vertical menu items. ═══ Thermometer Colors ═══ Colors can also be assigned for the Thermometer display. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Topic Field Background Foreground │ │ ----------- ---------- ---------- │ │ fColorTherm blue white │ │ fColorMercury red red │ │ fMonoTherm black white │ │ fMonoMercury white white │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Keywords used in setting thermometer area colors in FMOS2 ═══ 8. Programming the Alt keys ═══ FMOS2 allows you to configure 26 ALT-letter keys to any command you like. These keys are configured in exactly the same way commands are written using the FMOS2 execution option. Multiple commands are separated by the tilde "~" character. For details, see Command (PF7). Here are some sample ALT-keys: ALT-A +browse / ALT-B browse / ALT-D pcutil du /d ALT-E fmos2 //d *.bat *.cmd *.com *.exe /o ALT-M +almcopy / h:/N /E a ALT-N +almcopy / h:/N /EBIN a //B ALT-P +PAGE //h=/f < / > lpt1 ALT-S /oSMAP ALT-Z /ozapdisk a: ═══ 9. Programming the Function Keys ═══ Forty-eight function keys can be programmed. You can program a function key to execute a basic function, or any file operation. In addition a string may be assigned to a function key, for display on the FMOS2 screen. If a function key has no string description the first word in the definition will be used. Multiple commands are separated by the tilde "~" character. Here are the basic operation you can assign to function keys. The uppercase part of the command is the minimal string required to make the command unique. Bottom Display last page of files. COMmand Execute a OS/2 command against marked files. DRotate Rotate the 'date/time' display between 'LastWrite' (FAT and HPFS drives), 'Creation' (HPFS drives), and 'LastRead' (HPFS drives). Info Display a 'file information' window. Lists Add files to the List. MArk Set/Clear marks on files. PAGEDown Move list forward one page. PAGEUp Move list back one page. Quit Quit FMOS2, return to OS/2. REfresh Refresh the current list. SElect Manually add/remove marks. SHEll Shell to OS/2. SHOwhide Show/hide files/directories based on file attributes. SOrt Sort the list. SRotate Rotate the 'size' display between 'Size' (the actual file size in bytes), and 'Allocated' (the amount of disk space used for that file). Top Display first page of files. Here are some examples pf3 quit pf3 "quit" q pf3 "Finished" quit pf4 "Hide r/o" showhide r h In the first case, since no string was provided in quotes, the command itself will be displayed. The second example will yield identical display. The third example, will display "Finished" for the PF3 function key. The fourth example, will hide (not show) all files/directories with the readonly attribute. The following example is useful for moving up to the 'parent' directory. It's similar to the 'newdir' function while the bannered cursor is on the parent directory, but it doesn't require the bannered cursor to be anywhere specific. This example also illustrates the use of the 'tilde' (~) character to chain commands together (see below). pf10c "Parent " sort u a~top~lists newdir Note: If you have 'MenuToStay' or 'SortMenuStay' set to yes, the same example would then be: pf10c "Parent " sort u a q~top~lists newdir You can also program any basic file file function to a function key. The following operations may be programmed:  Attribute  COPy  Erase  MOve  REName  SUbcopy There is one caveat with programming one of these functions, the second level menu selection must be provided. For example you can not program a function key to perform a "Copy" operation. But you can program a function key to perform a "Copy Normal". The following equivalent definitions set PF2 when shifted to provide a copy update, to the d: drive: PF2S "Update d:" copy update d: PF2S "Update d:" cop u d: Multiple commands may be specified, be separation with the tilde character. For example. PF2A "C backup" lists clear *.c.h /d ~mark mark~copy update f: Will display "C backup" for the PF2 key when the Alt key is pressed. When Alt-F2 is pressed, the current list is cleared, all the *.c and *.h files in the current directory will get loaded, and marked, and a copy update is done to the f: drive. When a "list clear" or a "list more" is specified, a sort may be specified. The following are equivalent: PF2C "D: files " list clear d: /sdd PF2C "D: files " list clear d:~sort date desc Programmable functions are limited to 64 characters each. To help relieve this limitation, the minimum required string to make the command unique is acceptable. The next example is equivalent to the previous: PF2C "D: files " L C d:~SO D D The "SELECT" command allows one to mark/unmark files in the list in a middle of a compound set of functions. PF2 "Update"List Clear *.c.h.asm /sdd~mark mark~select~copy update a: After the list is created, sorted, and all files are marked, you can unmark some of the files in the list, before the copy update is performed. The following command is equivalent: PF2 "Update" L C *.c.h.asm /sdd~ma m~se~cop u a: Another useful key set up could be one that loads FMOS2 with specific file types, for example: PF12S "Just Exe" command fmos2 //d *.bat *.cmd *.com *.exe /o Following are the default function keys provided in FMOS2.SAM. PF1 "Help " command /q/ostart view fmos2.inf pf2 "FV2 " command /q / fv2 pf3 Quit pf4 Mark pf5 Lists pf6 Sort pf7 Command pf8 "Execute " command / pf9 "X editor" command /q x / pf10 "OS/2 " shell pf11 "ShowHide" showhide pf12 pf1s "A: /D " lists clear a:\ /d pf2s "A: /T " lists clear a:\ /t pf3s "C: /D " lists clear c:\ /d pf4s "C: /T " lists clear c:\ /t pf5s "Space " lists space pf6s "New Dir " lists newdir pf7s "Add Dir " lists adddir pf8s Refresh pf9s "Wrt lst " lists write pf10s "Del dup " lists deldup pf11s "Make Dir" lists produce pf12s pf1c "SortName" Sort filename a pf2c "SortExt " Sort ext a pf3c "SortPath" Sort path a pf4c "SortSize" Sort size d pf5c "SortMark" Sort mark d pf6c "SortAttr" Sort attr a pf7c "View INF" command /q start view / pf8c "StartPgm" command /q start / pf9c "SortDate" Sort date d pf10c "Unsort " Sort unsort a pf11c "SortRstr" Sort restore pf12c pf1a "Mark All" Mark Mark pf2a "Mark Clr" Mark C pf3a "Mark Inv" Mark I pf4a "Mark Arc" Mark A pf5a "Get Safe" Mark G pf6a "Mark Hdn" Mark H pf7a "Mark Sys" Mark S pf8a "Mark R/O" Mark R pf9a "File Inf" Info pf10a "Put Safe" Mark P pf11a pf12a ═══ 10. FMOS2 Reference Guide ═══ This section presents a reference guide for operation of the FMOS2 program. For those who want to jump right into the operation of the program this reference section will be of great help. ═══ 10.1. Copy ═══ The Copy function provides the ability to copy marked files to a given drive or path. If the drive is specified the files will be copied to the current path on that drive. If a path is specified, the files will be copied to the path. If the path does not exist a message will be displayed. You should use the Subcopy function to copy with automatic path creation if necessary. ╔═══════╗ ║Normal ║ ║Date ║ ║Append ║ ║Change ║ ║Update ║ ║W/o EA ║ ║Exists ║ ║Missing║ ║Quit ║ ╚═══════╝ Normal The option will perform the copying (normally) with no options for restricting the copy process. Date The option will ask you for a date in which the copy process will refer to. All files that are more in the future than the date given will be copied. Append The option will ask you for a file to append to. All the marked files will be appended to that file. Change The option will ask you for a file name for each file marked. This option allows you to copy files in the same directory. For example, if you need to make a copy of a file in the same directory this option should be used. You will be prompted for the new file name. The fullpath name is not required. Update This options allows copy to the target directory if the file does not exist in the target directory, or the file in the target is older. This option is useful for getting most recent files to your operating directory. W/o EA This options allows copy to the target directory without copying the extended attributes. This option is the same as 'normal' otherwise. Exists This options allows copy to the target directory if the file exist in the target directory, and the file in the target is older. Missing This options allows copy to the target directory if the file does not exist in the target directory. ═══ 10.2. Erase ═══ The Erase function has a pulldown menu which appears when you have selected the Erase option. The pulldown has two options, Normal and Secure. The Normal option will erase the file/directory from the disk in the normal OS/2 manner. This option will allow you to recover the data if needed via other programs. The other option, called Secure, will erase the file/directory from the disk by writing the file three times; once with Hexadecimal AA, then once with Hexadecimal 55 and finally with Hexadecimal FF. The recovery from this type of erasure is impossible! The file has been erased so a digital analyzer cannot recover the file. The Secure option should only be used to destroy security rated files (e.g. confidential files) when needed. A second menu will always be displayed for you to continue before the actual process is performed. ╔═══════╗ ║Normal ║ ║Secure ║ ║Quit ║ ╚═══════╝ Note: If you attempt a directory deletion, an additional prompt will display asking for a 'C' to continue. A directory deletion will remove all directories and files under the selected directory. The 'C' to continue prompt is to ensure against accidental loss of data. Normal Erase the file from disk in the normal DOS manner. Secure Erase the file from disk so a digital analyzer cannot be used to restore the file. Recovery from this type of erasure is impossible! If FMOS2 attempts to erase a readonly file, a third menu will pop down to confirm the erasure. The filename of the READONLY file will be on the top of the FMOS2 screen and a pulldown will appear. The pulldown has 3 options. ╔═══════╗ ║Bypass ║ ║Force ║ ║Quit ║ ╚═══════╝ Bypass Marked file is READONLY, don't erase. Use this if you don't want to erase this file but wish FMOS2 to continue erasing the other marked files. Force Force an erase of marked READONLY file. Use this to erase the marked file in question. Quit Quit menu, don't continue erasures. Use this to stop the erasing of files. ═══ 10.3. Move ═══ The move function will move files from one directory to another directory which exists. ╔════════╗ ║Normal ║ ║Replace ║ ║Quit ║ ╚════════╝ Normal The option will perform the move (normally). If the file exists at the destination an error will occur for the move. Replace The option will perform the move regardless if the file exists at the destination. ═══ 10.4. Attribute ═══ The Attribute function provides the ability to set or reset the attributes of a file or directory. Two pulldown menus are given. The first is listed below, the second asks you if the option is to set the attribute or reset the attribute. ╔═════════╗ ║Archive ║ ║Hidden ║ ║Readonly ║ ║System ║ ║Every ║ ║Date ║ ║Quit ║ ╚═════════╝ Archive The Archive bit is represented as the letter 'A' for the FMOS2 program under the heading Attr. This bit symbolizes that the file has been changed. Some backup programs use this bit to backup files that have changed. Hidden The Hidden bit is represented as the letter 'H' for the FMOS2 program under the heading Attr. If this bit is set the file cannot be seen using OS/2 DIR command or deleted by the OS/2 DEL command. Readonly The Readonly bit is represented as the letter 'R' for the FMOS2 program under the heading Attr. If this bit is set, the file cannot be seen or overwritten. System The System bit is represented as the letter 'S' for the FMOS2 program under the heading Attr. If this bit is set the file is indicated that it is a system file and it may be important that this file stay in a specific directory on the disk. Every All of the above bits, can be set or reset at once, with this option. Date This option will ask you for a date and time which will be used to set the date and time of the marked files. If no date and/or time is entered, the current date and/or time will be used. ═══ 10.5. Rename ═══ The Rename function provides the ability to rename the fullpath name of a file or directory. The function does not create paths. ╔══════════╗ ║Normal ║ ║Filename ║ ║Extension ║ ║Quit ║ ╚══════════╝ Normal You will be prompted with each file that has been marked in the list for a filename and extension. Filename You will be prompted for a filename once. All the marked files will have the name changed only, the extension will remain the same. Extension You will be prompted for a file extension once. All the marked files will have the extension changed only, the name will remain the same. ═══ 10.6. Subcopy ═══ The Subcopy function (Sub-directory path copying) provides the ability to copy files and their fullpath specifications to another drive or under another path. In addition, this function provides the capability to Backup and Restore files. ╔════════╗ ║Normal ║ ║Date ║ ║Backup ║ ║Restore ║ ║Change ║ ║Update ║ ║Quit ║ ╚════════╝ Normal The option will perform the copying (normally) with no options for restricting the copy process. Date The option will ask you for a date which the copy process will refer to. All files that are more in the future than the date given will be copied. Backup The option will backup marked files to a drive or path specification. The directory path of the file will be preserved. Diskettes will be asked for and formatted if necessary. Restore The option will restore marked files to a drive or path specification. Change The option allows you to copy a file to a fullpath specification and create the path if necessary. Update This options allows copy to the target directory if the file does not exist in the target directory, or the file in the target is older. This option is useful for getting most recent files to your operating directory. ═══ 10.7. Basic Functions & Keys ═══ The following descriptions are given with the default function key to which they are defined. Note the function may be assigned to any function key. Variants of each most commands have been set in the default profile. ═══ 10.7.1. Quit (PF3) ═══ The Quit key will exit (leave) the FMOS2 program. ═══ 10.7.2. Mark (PF4) ═══ The Mark function enables you to effectively mark a large quantity of files. In addition, it provides means to Mark files with a given attribute. ╔══════════════╗ ║Mark all ║ ║Clear ║ ║Reverse ║ ║Archive ║ ║Hidden ║ ║Readonly ║ ║System ║ ║Put SAFEMARKS ║ ║Get SAFEMARKS ║ ║Quit ║ ╚══════════════╝ Mark All This option will mark all the files in the list. Clear This option will clear all the marks from the files which are marked in the list. All files that are safemarked will be cleared. Reverse This option will mark the files that are not marked and remove the marks on files that are marked. All files that are safemarked, will be marked. Archive The option will mark all files in the list which have the archive attribute set. Hidden The option will mark all files in the list which have the hidden attribute set. Readonly The option will mark all files in the list which have the readonly attribute set. System The option will mark all files in the list which have the system attribute set. Put SAFEMARKS This option will change all files that are marked, to a safe mark. Get SAFEMARKS This option will change all safe marks to marks. ═══ 10.7.3. Lists (PF5) ═══ The Lists function provides the ability to add or remove files and directories to/from the FMOS2 list. The ability to read a list of files, and write a list of marked files is provided. Directory creation is also available. ╔═════════════╗ ║More files ║ ║Clear & More ║ ║Read list ║ ║Write list ║ ║Unlist ║ ║Deldup ║ ║Space ║ ║AddDir ║ ║NewDir ║ ║ExList ║ ║Produce Dir ║ ║Quit ║ ╚═════════════╝ More files The option will provide an input window in which you can type a drive or path specification to read more files. This specification has all the power of the FMOS2 invocation command line. You may specify @Lists, subtree override switches and sort switches. For details, see "Starting FMOS2". Clear & More The option will clear the list. The current list displayed by the FMOS2 program will be removed. An input window is provided which you can enter a new specification. If ChangeCurDir is 'yes', the drive and directory you change to will be come the current working drive and directory for all "Command" functions (default PF7 key). See More files above. Read list The option will provide an input window in which you can type a file name which contains a list of files to read into the current FMOS2 list. Write list The option will provide an input window in which you can type a file name for writing the fullpath names of the marked files to. Unlist This option will remove erased files and marked files from the current list in FMOS2. Deldup The option will delete duplicates from the list which is displayed by FMOS2. Space Compute the number of diskettes needed to copy the marked files. AddDir Subdirectory support must be enabled, with "ShowDirs yes" in the profile to use this function. If the bannered line is on a subdirectory entry, either a or you may add the files in that directory to the current FMOS2 list. This is equivalent to "Lists More". The current subtree (D or T) and Sort options will be in effect. NewDir Subdirectory support must be enabled, with "ShowDirs yes" in the profile to use this function. If the bannered line is on a subdirectory entry, either a or you may switch to that directory. This is equivalent to "Lists Clear & More". The startup (D or T) option will be in effect. If ChangeCurDir is 'yes', the directory you change to will be come the current working directory for all "Command" functions (default PF7 key). ExList This command is similar to the "Write list" command, in addition to the file name being written, the files size, date, time and attributes will be included. For example: 40637 12-05-89 9:08am A--- C:\FMOS2\TCASM.ASM Produce Dir This command will create (produce) a new directory. It is similar to the OS/2 "MD" command. Valid inputs (to create "NEWDIR" for example) are: D:\SOMEDIR\ADIR2\NEWDIR (from anywhere) ..\NEWDIR (if the current directory is under ADIR2) NEWDIR (if ADIR2 is the current directory) ═══ 10.7.4. Sort (PF6) ═══ The FMOS2 program provides the ability to sort in ascending or descending order. Two menus are given. The first menu given is shown below. The second menu asks if the sort is for ascending or descending. ╔══════════╗ ║Fullname ║ ║Name ║ ║Extension ║ ║Path ║ ║Marked ║ ║Archive ║ ║Date ║ ║Created ║ ║LastRead ║ ║Tree ║ ║Unsort ║ ║Restore ║ ║Quit ║ ╚══════════╝ Fullname Sort the list by the filename and extension. Name Sort the list by the filename (no extension). Extension Sort the list by the file's extension. Path Sort the list by the file's path specification. Marked Sort the list by the files that are marked. This sort produces a list display of all the marked files grouped together. Archive Sort the list by the files archive bit. Date Sort the list by date and time (LastWrite date/time). Created Sort the list by date and time (Creation date/time - HPFS). LastRead Sort the list by date and time (LastRead date/time - HPFS). Tree Separate Files from Directory entries (if ShowDirs yes). Unsort Display list in order of directory entry, and loaded into FMOS2. Restore Return to the 'DefautlSort' parameters specified in your profile, or the default provided by FMOS2. Quit Exit the sort menu. ═══ 10.7.5. Command (PF7) ═══ The Command key provides the ability to execute OS/2 commands on marked files. This function provides an input window for the command to be typed in. A whole set of Fulist switch commands are recognized when used in a command. Additionally, the Alt-letter commands defined in your profile may be brought to this window by pressing that Alt-letter keystroke. The Alt-letter command can than be edited in this window before it's executed. The Fulist commands are shown below and are recognized in the profile for configuring keys. ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ eg: c:\doc\report.txt │ │ │ │ /e file extension eg: txt │ │ /n file name eg: report │ │ /f full file name eg: report.txt │ │ /p path eg: \doc\ │ │ /s path w/o last backslash eg: \doc │ │ /d drive eg: c: │ │ /q quiet mode for execution of command, the screen will │ │ not be cleared and the cursor will not be turned on. │ │ /l loud mode for execution of command. The screen is cleared, │ │ the cursor is turned on, and you will be prompted before │ │ returning to FMOS2. Use this command to override the │ │ QuickDos yes profile option. │ │ / fullpath name eg: c:\doc\report.txt │ │ /+ autoincrement marking │ │ // to enable inputting a slash │ │ /o do not add filename at end (Fulist standard) │ │ the /o symbol must be prefixed to the command. │ │ /u user double quoting - disable FMOS2s double quoting methods. Must be │ │ the first command used, and it must be after the + prefix (if used). │ ├──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┤ │ + repeat execute of command on marked files. │ │ The plus symbol must be prefixed to the command. │ │ * execute command against all marked files (e.g. x file2.ext file3.ext) │ │ No other options are valid with the asterisk symbol. │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Four examples are given to demonstrate the flexibility of issuing a command. Example 1 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Enter command to execute against marked files (/o /e /f /p /d /+ / //) │ │ >+almcopy / h:/n /ebin a //b │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ The above command will almcopy all marked files to the host. For example, if the a marked file was c:\doc\report.doc, the command to OS/2 would look like: almcopy c:\doc\report.doc h:report docbin a /b Example 2 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Enter command to execute against marked files (/o /e /f /p /d /+ / //) │ │ >almcopy / h:/n /ebin a //b │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ The above command would almcopy the highlighted file only to the host. Example 3 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Enter command to execute against marked files (/o /e /f /p /d /+ / //) │ │ >/oDir │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ The above command would perform a OS/2 dir command and show the results on the screen. Example 4 ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Enter command to execute against marked files (/o /e /f /p /d /+ / //) │ │ >+x /n./e/+/n./e │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ Assuming there were two marked files, the above command would x (edit) both of the marked files. For example, if the marked files were file1.exa and file2.exb, the command to OS/2 would look like: x "file1.exa" "file2.exb" Please note, there are no spaces between the slash (/) commands in this example. Also, the double quotes are necessary for HPFS systems which allow blanks in file names. ═══ 10.7.6. Execute (PF8) ═══ The Execute key will execute a batch file or program which is highlighted in the list. ═══ 10.7.7. Shell (PF10) ═══ The SHELL key will suspend FMOS2 and shell to OS/2. THE FMOS2 PROGRAM IS STILL AVAILABLE IN MEMORY. You can perform the normal OS/2 tasks as usual. To return to the FMOS2 program type "EXIT" at the OS/2 command line. You are reminded that FMOS2 is is still in memory, by having the DOSMARK prepended to the OS/2 prompt. You can override the 'QuickDos' settings with the '/l' (loud) and '/q' (quiet) options. To return to FMOS2: exit ═══ 10.7.8. ShowHide (PF11) ═══ The FMOS2 program provides the ability to show or hide files based on their attributes (e.g. Hidden, System, Read Only, or Directory). Two menus are given. The first menu given is shown below. The second menu asks for hide or show. ╔═════════╗ ║Hidden ║ ║Readonly ║ ║System ║ ║Directory║ ║Quit ║ ╚═════════╝ Hidden Show/hide hidden files/directories. Readonly Show/hide read only files/directories. System Show/hide system files/directories. Directory Show/hide directories. Quit Exit the showhide menu. ═══ 10.7.9. Info (ALT-PF9) ═══ The Info function displays a window containing date, time, size, and attribute information about the currently 'bannered' file or directory. The up and down arrow keys allow you to 'scroll' through the file list while keeping this window displayed. Note: The 'EA Allocated' information for HPFS drives is approximate, though I wouldn't expect it to be off by more than 1 or 2 512 bytes sectors for large EA's. ═══ 10.7.10. Control A (AlphaScan on/off) ═══ The Ctrl-A key toggles the 'AlphaScan' feature on and off. With 'AlphaScan' on, pressing a character moves the bannered line to the next file/directory which begins with that character. ═══ 10.7.11. Control B (turn Blink attribute off) ═══ The Ctrl-B key is defined to 'reset' a fine OS/2 feature. If you run FMOS2 in a fullscreen and have a light background color defined, swtiching to the desktop (e.g. Ctrl-Esc) and returning to FMOS2 shows that background has swtiched from 'light' to 'blinking'. Ctrl-B will reset it to 'light'. ═══ 10.7.12. Control D (Rotate date/time field) ═══ Pressing the Ctrl key then 'D' (Ctrl-D) will change what date/time data is displayed. This will rotate through 'LastWrite' for both FAT and HPFS drives, 'Creation' which is only meaningful on HPFS drives, and 'LastRead' which is also only meaningful on HPFS drives. ═══ 10.7.13. Control M (Mark safe marks) ═══ Pressing the Ctrl key then 'M' (Ctrl-M) will change all safe marks back to marks. ═══ 10.7.14. Control R (Refresh) ═══ Pressing the Ctrl key then 'R' (Ctrl-R) will refresh the FMOS2 list to original invocation, plus any specifications entered by [PF5] [More files]. If a [PF5] [Clear & More] has been specified, this will reset the refresh list. Removing any previous specifications. Any sort specified, either by a switch on the command line, or through the [PF6] action will be applied during the refresh. ═══ 10.7.15. Control S (Rotate size field) ═══ Pressing the Ctrl key then 'S' (Ctrl-S) will change what size data is displayed. This will rotate through 'Size' which is the actual file size in bytes, or 'Allocated' which is the amount of disk space allocated or used for that file. The 'Size' field in the status line will also rotate between the cumulative size of the files listed and their allocated space. If files are marked, the 'Size' field in the status line will display the size of the marked files (no allocated space). ═══ 10.7.16. Period (Locate '..' entry in file list) ═══ Pressing the 'period' symbol will cause FMOS2 to use the 'FastScroll' feature with a supplied search string of "..". If you have SHOWDIRS set to yes, this allows a quick mechanism for locating the parent directory entry for moving up to that directory. ═══ 10.7.17. Slash (FastScroll) ═══ Pressing '/' displays an editing window in which you can enter the characters of a file you want to find in the list of files. As you enter characters FMOS2 will 'scroll' to the first occurrence of a file (after the highlighted line) that starts with the supplied character string. Pressing 'escape' will exit this window. Pressing 'enter' will exit this window and save the search string in the command buffer for later use. Pressing 'tab' will continue the search with the current string (e.g. a repeat search feature). Use '*' (asterisk) to start the search string if you don't know what character the file name starts with, but do know a part of the file name. ═══ 10.8. Profile Color Keywords ═══ COLOR KEYWORD MENU AREA AFFECTED fColorBanner Set the color of the banner which highlights files in the list. fColorButtonActive Set the color of the button in the main window which is active. fColorButtonCurrent Set the color of the buttons in the main window that are not active. fColorDefault Set the default color of the background. fColorFileInfo Set the color of 'file information window' text. fColorFooting Set the color of the footing where status information is given. fColorHeader Set the color of the header Filename Fullpath Size Date Time Attr fColorInput Set the color of the window which always asks for input. fColorMarkFiles Set the color of the marker which marks files (column 0). fColorMenu This sets body color of the submenus which are pulled down from the main window. fColorMenuActive This sets the color of the menu item which is active, in the submenu pulled down from the main menu, for selection. fColorMenubars This is for setting the help message in the main window or the menubar if window type C has been chosen. fColorMenuButton This sets the color of the menu item which is not active in the submenu pulled down from the main menu. fColorPFkeys Set the color of the PF keys. fColorPower Set the color of the powermarking highlight in the footing. fColorWindA Set color of main menu window. This window type is referred to as window A because there are three windows to choose from (a,b,c). This is also the color for the 'file information window' border. Monochrome Please refer to the color keywords which are similar. fMonoBanner fMonoButtonActive fMonoButtonCurrent fMonoDefault fMonoFileInfo fMonoFooting fMonoHeader fMonoInput fMonoMarkFiles fMonoMenu fMonoMenuActive fMonoMenubars fMonoMenuButton fMonoPFkeys fMonoPower fMonoWindA ═══ 10.9. Profile Keywords ═══ AlphaScan Use a character key press to scan to the next file/directory that starts with that character. CenterScroll Choose the type of scrolling (yes/no). If yes chosen, center scrolling is given otherwise a full scroll is given. CntlCoast Use or Bypass coasting control. (yes/no) CreateDirs Issue or Bypass prompt for creating new directories. DefaultSort Specify the default sort to take place on startup. DiskSpace Turn on/off disk space calculations during thermometer. (yes/no) DOSmark Provide a prepend string for the OS/2 prompt during [PF10] shell. EnterCommand Provides the program name to execute against a file when 'EnterScroll' is set to 'function'. EnterScroll Provides the ability to determine in what way the enter key functions. When set to 'no', it provides the ability to select the currently bannered menu option (e.g. Copy, Rename, etc.) When set to 'yes', it provides the ability for enter to scroll down the file list instead of the down arrow key. Control-enter performs the enter function in this mode. When set to 'function', it provides the ability for enter to either display a different directory (if the bannered file cursor is on a directory entry), or execute a program against a file (if the bannered file cursor is on a file entry). Control-enter performs the enter function in this mode. ForceColor Force FMOS2 to display in 'color' or 'monochrome', or allow FMOS2 to decide which is best. Format Give the path name of the format program used for formatting diskettes. ListCheck Enable/disable errors in @list processing. (yes/no) logo Display the logo (yes/no) MarkBefore enable/disable final prompt to mark more files before action. (no/yes) MenuToStay keeps submenus up after executing action (yes/no). The sort submenu can be set to stay up (override MenuToStay no) via the SortMenuStay option. NamePercent Percentage of additional screen width to use for the 'name' field, with the 'path' field getting the remainder. PowerMark Turn on/off use of CapsLock key for powermarking. (caps/standard) QuickDos Turn on/off prompt for shells/commands out to OS/2. (yes/no) SafeChar Specify character to represent files that are safe. SafeMark Turn on/off Safe marking of files. (yes/no) ScrollBeep Enable/disable beeps when scrolling beyond end of list. (yes/no) SetMark Choose a character for the marking of files. ShadowBoxes Fancy corners for menus. ShowDirs Enable display of directory entries, for easy traversal. ShowHidden Enable display of hidden file entries. ShowReadonly Enable display of read only file entries. ShowSystem Enable display of system file entries. SlashChar Character which tells FMOS2 to place a / in the output command to OS/2. SortMenuStay keeps sort submenu up after executing action (yes/no). This option (when set to yes) overrides the 'MenuToStay no' option for the sort submenu. SortRetain Determines what sorting parameters are used as you change directories. Startup Set a default start-up option (/t or /d). If /t given then search the complete tree from the directory position given or defaulted too. The /d will only do the directory. (t, d) UpperDisp Enable uppercasing of filenames and directories (yes/no/lower) Window Choose a window type. The default is window type B. The options are (a,b,c). ALT-* The following Alt keys are assignable for commands. They can be modified. Example Alt key definitions ┌──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ ALT-A +browse / │ │ ALT-B browse / │ │ ALT-C chkdsk /d │ │ ALT-D pcutil du /d │ │ ALT-E +e3 / /+ / /+ / │ │ ALT-G gedit / │ │ ALT-H /ohelp FMOS2 │ │ ALT-I +almcopy / h:/N /E a │ │ ALT-J +almcopy / h:/N /EBIN a //B │ │ ALT-K +almcopy / h:/N /E a │ │ ALT-L +almcopy / h:/N /EBIN a //B │ │ ALT-M +almcopy / h:/N /E a │ │ ALT-N +almcopy / h:/N /EBIN a //B │ │ ALT-P +PAGE //h=/f < / > lpt1 │ │ ALT-S /oSMAP │ │ ALT-T FMOS2 /d │ │ ALT-U e3 / │ │ ALT-V v / │ │ ALT-W x / │ │ ALT-X +x / /+ / /+ / │ │ ALT-Z /ozapdisk a: │ └──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘